Friday, June 20, 2008

Starting over . . .again

If you read my daughter's blog onestepfromtheedge, and read today's post, you would have read that Bill and I broke up. Ten years gone down the shitter. I have to say that I have been handling it quite well. Until this past week. It's been a little over 3 weeks and I haven't cried and have been quite up beat to tell you the truth. But tomorrow is moving day and it's finally and completely dawned on me that it's final. Poof! We had our arguments over the years but the subject of his daughter, who is 19 and a spoiled brat (and that's putting it nicely) could bring the worst arguments ever. She lies, manipulates, is very, very phoney, and has her dad wrapped around her finger. She has always been jealous of Bill's and my relationship and has made my last ten years basically miserable when she was around. I'm living at my parents and I am very thankful for them. But the saying is so true. . .you can't go home again. I just want my own space. I want my privacy. But I'm not even starting to look for a place of my own until after vacation which is the end of July, beginning of August. My mom keeps trying to "fix me up" and I'm thinking. . .WHAT ARE YOU THINKING. The last thing I need right now is another guy in my life. I need time to heal and be by myself and just chill. Her heart is in the right place but right now it's the last thing I need. One thing I really worry about are my grandkids. They have grown up calling Bill poppa. When I go see them they ask where is he. While Kenzie will ask, she soon forgets. She's in a world of her own. But Evan misses him. Bill would play games with him and spend a lot of time with him making up stories. I know they are young but I still worry. I wonder if Bill has thought of them. No. Too busy doting on his 19 year old daughter who could give a shit. She didn't like them calling him poppa and made faces every time they said it.

I do have another guy though. His name is Wicket. I finally got a pup and he is absolutely the cutest little thing you ever want to encounter. I would post a pic but can't remember how to do it. And while I'm on the subject of pics, how in the hell do I get the pic of me and "whatshisname" off my blog?


Christie said...

Keep your chin up, mom. You are so much better off without him anyway. I love you!

Princess in Galoshes said...

Sorry to hear you decided to split. But it sounds like it was for the best. Puppies ARE great distractions, and I'm sure it's nice looking forward to having your own space again.

Take care!

Cate Subrosa said...

Sorry to hear you guys split up. Hope the puppy goes some way to comforting you at the moment!